Dear Parents,

We held our annual Book Fair over the last two weeks, and it is a popular school activity for students. The Book Fair offers a diverse selection of titles, genres, fantasy, classics, references, award-winners, humour, nonfictional and mystery materials.

The reasons for holding the Book Fair were to promote reading for the students and for them to explore the range of available new texts, topics and authors on display. There was an abundance of serial, non-fiction, diaries, pictorial and activity books available for every reader and interest. The posters all sold out and the variety of stationery items always gets the children buzzing!

We were able to put some books into the hands of our readers by adding to the permanent collection. A big thank you goes out to all the volunteer students who helped with Book Fair! Because of all of you, the Book Fair was a success and we earned $500 worth of books for our library!

Thank you to all the students, parents, and staff who supported this event.

I am truly appreciative of it!

Mrs Nuriye Engin